Saturday, June 24, 2006


Scream, shout, swear
None too much to bear
Don’t talk for days ahead
Let communication go dead
Two lives apart we can lead
To others pay no heed
I’d rather stay away
Than hear the words you say
With no care, intention or mind
But none too very kind
And live each day after
With interrupted laughter

Its not for nothing we've been told think before you speak. Sometimes there are no intentions to what we say. We didn't mean it we explain. But these are the demons that lead to sudden silences during happy times. That lead to some sleepless nights. Some unwanted tears. Sometimes defeating so many other good intentions simply because we cannot fathom where, why and whom it came from.......
A sincere apology to anyone I might have unintentionally hurt in the past with mindless words.


Anonymous said...


That poem almost brought tears to my eyes. How true! Words can be garlands or canons. Your poetry has a ringing of absolute honesty compounded by reality about it. No-nonsense stuff, I'd say and I appreciate that an awful lot.
Good going M-:)

A burst of colour said...

Thanks a lot Srini. Thats really sweet of you. Thought this is the best way I can make up for any faux pas from the past.

Anonymous said...


I am flattered! Anyhow, you are welcome:)