Friday, December 30, 2005

broken dates

clothes tossed and pressed
for the anxious to be dressed
eyes defined lips fuller
somehow the mood just gets duller
check myself again
smile myself for the worry to feign
phone rings
heart sings
ears perk
sick feeling lurks
reluctantly listen
some cheer is missin
this beaten path once more i tread
to hear what the whole day i dread
the date is broken
with the tears a token
i sit by the window
pace to and fro
the decorations fall
with the dreaded call
i toss on bed
going over whats said
finally sets in relief
mind turns a new leaf
i sleep myself to tomorrow
after tonights date sorrow

The discomfort i experience everytime we fuck up plans and tomorrow's new years eve plan. I am dreading staying back home. This is something I am very superstitious about.

corporate madness

timezones talk
damn the body clock
caffiene breaks
always more to take
inbetween rendezvous
gossip madness in the loo
seeking a pathbreaking hunch
threw listless lunch
a deadline to meet
u wanna put up ure feet
insecurity ure worst friend
leaves u at wits end!!!!

its not always so bad......i love corporate life and working under pressure. even if its this way most of the time

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Vacation Bliss

Fifteen days fun and frolic
for the well deserving workaholic
sleep,food,and exersise
life has been such a surprise
december breeze and arbid rain
jogging thru dusty lanes
placid ocean pink sun
day doesnt begin day aint done

lame attempts at capturing my state of mind....blissful

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Will start posting soon......

This is my third attempt at blogging....the first two aborted because they turned out to be sickeningly depressing sentimental trash or root canal in a heatwavish frustration.....