Sunday, September 14, 2008


Its only when we cherish their dearth
Do we realise the value of their worth

.... I trully regale in my smiling tears when I tell some people these three words everytime we speak - " I miss you". The pleasure of making them realise how much I value their presence in my life, by their physical sporadic absence, actually overcomes the pain. One hell of a paradox.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Missing Link

There are some persons far and few
who seem like the ones you always knew
but stumbled across just yesterday
through circumstances so very stray
You try and piece the puzzle in vain
But mystery is all that it will remain
from where in the worlds battle rink
did appear these missing links

.......... I cannot explain my attachment for some people, I cannot explain why I experience a comfort close to slumber with them. I swear I never knew their existence, race, religion, family or status in all my earlier years..... but I feel like I have known them all my life.....and yes I wish we had met way way earlier 

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Status Quo

Well sky hasn’t fallen and the earth hasn’t shook.
Memories good the old boss took
I spend my days doing some work
Whatever little I never shirk
I go home each night tired with hope
That tomorrow won’t be much to scramble and grope
That colleagues and friends will be there to stay
So will my job I beg and pray answer to a question i frequently face these days. "How's the new boss?"
I miss DW like hell, but in all fairness, change is the more permanent thing in life.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

The rest

Sometimes I burden myself too much
Burdens of secrets, sadness and such
Then I thurst my hands into pockets deep
pockets where treasures I safely keep
treasures of love,trust,and desire
some treats of attraction that kindle fire
I envision victories from battles fought
As I happily rest in pillows of thought

.............I've never been accused of being unimaginative till date :-), I've never been accused of not thinking too much................