Tuesday, March 21, 2006

(I)(D(ent)ity)) Crisis

Born I was one sultry summer
Saw the sun glower and heat simmer
Indian Cricket saw world cup victory
My folks saw unfold my story
Since that day in sultry June
I started doing things too soon
Spoke my words much too early
Stated preferences loud and clearly
Didn’t know much from bad to good
But knew all I wanted about my food
Went to school at tiny three
Crying all the way not letting mum free
Hated the place from the start
Cause at mummy’s lap was my heart
From then onwards till about ten
Homeward bound I wondered when
Not that I didn’t like school much
But weird child I was such
Soon distaste I overcame
For in many things I made a name
Drama, dance and sweet misbehavior
Did I find my boredom savior
Through mango moods and mulberry ambushes
Also went boys and childhood crushes
Of course I read my lessons too
Respite from which were but few
At school I declared much to their terror
An ambition that was a comedy of error
Arc light dreams I saw so vivid
But made my folks much too livid
I went to high school heavy hearted
From those dreams dear departed
Accounts, commerce and economics
Read anything they were from comic
Fell in love first time folly
But then it seemed so loft and lovely
Came college and more confusion
So much it was it went to seclusion
Fleeting friendships and conventional crap
Went thru the rut thru tunnel and trap
Read my major halfheartedly
Five years hence was done finally
Grabbed by corporate clutches I evolved
Some identity issues came resolved
Financial freedom finally saw
Those insecurities that earlier did gnaw
Shying all praise and pity
I finally saw an identity……

Random thoughts on childhood....how ambitions take birth and evolve and die and take new forms. To make things simple I ve always wanted to be an actress.....I still do....


Anonymous said...


Good one again, albeit I must suggest - rather humbly - that at places the rhyme scheme seems artificial. But then your poetic lines are uniform making for a rhythmic readability.

I especially loved phrases like "mango moods" "mulberry ambushes". One more thing: the verse itself ( I do not know if that's conscious) starts in a childlike way simple, almost plain, but flowers into a more direct but poetic one. Keep it up! Looking forward to read more.

A burst of colour said...

i dont like poetry that doesnt rhyme. atrificial or whatever my poems have to rhyme, or i dont write them or keep them somewhere till i can make them rhyme. will try and edit this to make it better.

Prahlad(Peggy) Krishnamurthi said...

Blogging spree..

Sreikanth said...

nice.... loved the term "arc light dreams"...kinda sums up what u wanna be..!

and "ambitions die and/or take new forms"....never thought of it that way...

and rhyming poems rock....!

A burst of colour said...

Thanks sreicanth.....