Monday, March 27, 2006

Manufacturing Defects:

All she was a kid of ten
Consciousness struck don’t know when
Pleasant kid not much trouble
But just then they burst her bubble
Till such time she was considered cute
That ensured peace and mind astute
Soon they pointed here and there
Then it became too much to bear
Barbie dreams ramp walk rage
Too much too soon at this age
What was just pure puppy fat?
Had to be turned to vital stats
So she starved herself to sleep
As weight loss came did insecurity creep
The going only just got tough
The extra pound lost never enough
Sweet valley twins and Judy Blume
To strange notions gave much room
Coming of age puberty spell
New set of issues came to dwell
Instead of math she had to max
Focus shifted to bikini wax
As the hemlines just got higher
Crushes came and kindled fire
Gone were the cheeks and paunch
A million desires did it launch
By the time she turned twenty
Obsessions were born by plenty
Mirror mania weighing scale woes
It was never right tip or toe
Stumbled marriage suitor hunt
Increasing bills bank balance brunt
In due course match was made
She thought the dividends were finally paid
Diet food drove him mad
So did her frenzy for Femina Fads
Then one day he let it drop
All this crap had to stop
Just when it was a little too late
Realization curbed trouble spate
Shook her shoulders screamed it clear
To insanity she was driving him near
Finally did she let go
And who she really was got to know
Once gone fancies fickle
Life came one full circle.

Reminiscences of a crazy obsession brought down to sensible levels!!! Weight loss woes when will it ever go!!!


Anonymous said...


Liked the poem. Very rhythmic and ironic with the heavy, but not sardonic humours of life. The age transition and the physio-psychological transformations have been spelt out very well.

To add, I have never been one to give a tuppence to the so-called fit-nes(s)ts around. As one of my teachers would say, as long as you are comfortable carrying yourself around, then you are all right. I also like the way you handle down to the earth simple issues in your poems, and not Ivory Tower meditations.

A burst of colour said...

Thanks for the comments and sharing your experiences.....